ABAD, JOAQUIM CIBELES Ref. 9781983393969 Altres llibres del mateix autor
    A young shepherd from a mountain village in the province of Almería flees after stabbing the mayor of his town, a militiaman who was surprised by raping his niece, and took refuge in Andorra, where he joined the shepherds who were Spanish guides who they crossed into France, fleeing civil war, and t...
    Ancho: 122 cm Largo: 205 cm Peso: 210 gr
    Disponible en 7 dies
    15,00 €
  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-1-983393-96-9
    • Data d'edició : 01/09/2019
    • Any d'edició : 2019
    • Autors/es : ABAD, JOAQUIM
    • Nº de pàgines : 190
    A young shepherd from a mountain village in the province of Almería flees after stabbing the mayor of his town, a militiaman who was surprised by raping his niece, and took refuge in Andorra, where he joined the shepherds who were Spanish guides who they crossed into France, fleeing civil war, and then Jews who came from France escaped Nazi persecution. They became very wealthy by abandoning some wealthy people in the snow, tied with wires and barefoot, staying with the goods they carried. Antonio Lao, over the years, became the most important businessman in Andorra, owner of the main concessions of German vehicles, owner of hotels, shopping centers, while other pastors went from lenders to bankers. In 1984, the nephew of a Jewish jeweler followed the trail that a newspaper in Almeria published until he found out what happened to his ancestors, whom he thought were dead in a Nazi concentration camp. Like any novel, it is fiction that starts from some real events, such as that the main Andorran families have a bloodstained past and that in the eighties the corpse of one of the richest entrepreneurs of the principality was found, born in the province Almerian, with wrists tied with wires in a Pyrenean mountain.

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